Additional Dependency Library Support

The difference with third-party support is that most of the functions here are implemented by installing plug-ins or introducing CDN, and they are simply adapted by themes.

Word Count

Install hexo-wordcount

npm install hexo-wordcount
# or
# yarn add hexo-wordcount

Enter the configuration file source/_data/yun.yml in the root directory of the blog

  • count: Word Count
  • time: Read Time
  enable: true
  count: true
  time: true


Install hexo-generator-feed.

npm install hexo-generator-feed --save

Configure the default icon as icon-rss-line. If you need to customize, enter source/_data /yun.yml to configure.

It can be configured in the social field of yun.yml, such as:

  - name: RSS
    link: /atom.xml # config.feed.path
    icon: icon-rss-line
    color: orange

For more configuration, please refer to Official Document (in _config.yml in the Hexo working directory).


By setting the sticky property in the article Front Matter. After setting sticky, the sticky icon will appear in the upper right corner of the article card.

You can also set the level of priority to achieve the order of multiple sticky articles.

title: xxx
sticky: 1
title: xxx
sticky: 2

At this time, the articles of sticky: 2 will be arranged above the articles of sticky: 1.


There is no need to modify the theme to adding live2d, nor does it need to to be configured. It is just a plug-in for Hexo. You can configure it in _config.yml in the root directory. The reason it appears here is to illustrate the recommended settings (in short, it is the best to use CDN).

Install hexo-helper-live2d

npm install --save hexo-helper-live2d

Configure in _config.yml in Hexo root directory:

For more options, please refer to hexo-helper-live2d

  enable: true
  # recommend to use the CDN of jsdelivr to load
  scriptFrom: jsdelivr
  pluginRootPath: live2dw/
  pluginJsPath: lib/
  pluginModelPath: assets/
  tagMode: false
  debug: false
    # recommend to use CDN to load the model
    position: right
    width: 150
    height: 300
    show: true
    opacity: 0.7
  # dialog:
  #   # whether to open the dialog box
  #   enable: true
  #   # whether to use hitokoto
  #   hitokoto: true

Tag Cloud (Word Cloud)

Config in `yun.yml, use colorful word cloud instead of native tag cloud.

  • enable: enable word cloud
  • height: set the height for word cloud



Install hexo-tag-aplayer

npm install hexo-tag-aplayer

See Official Document

Recommended configuration (in _config.yml in the root directory of Hexo):

  meting: true


If you find that the Aplayer sometimes introduces header files repeatedly in irrelevant files, remember to turn off the automatic script insertion.

Duplicate APlayer.JS loading

  asset_inject: false

Then decide whether to enable aplayer at the head of the article:


title: xxx
aplayer: true

You can also set it globally in yun.yml. (When you set up a global player, you can use it.)

  global: true

Insert a song from NetEase Cloud Music

{% meting "497572729" "netease" "song" "theme: # C20C0C"%}

Global Music Player

You can set it global enable in yun.yml.

  • meting: enable meting, whether to introduce meting resources (pay attention to the difference between this and widget)
  • widget: set widget.enable true to enable global player ( must be true)
    • meting.enable: whether to open meting for global widget. When open, it will load option; When close, will use cutsom audio.
    • audio: default config can be referred. More info see Official Documentation

Open pjax, it can realize that the music player is not interrupted when switching pages. (In order to load the music player correctly, when there is a music player in the article page that you switch to, Meting will reload.)

  global: false
  meting: true
    enable: false
    autoplay: false
    # theme: "#2980b9"
    loop: all
    order: list
    preload: auto
    volume: 0.7
    mutex: true
    lrcType: 0
    listFolded: false
    listMaxHeight: 340px
      - name: 星宿计时
        artist: 杉田朗/洛天依
      enable: true
      id: 308168565
      server: netease
      type: playlist

Since hexo-tag-aplayer is so fragrant, I decided to remove the original media package script. Students who are really in need can add it by themselves.

/ **
 * Transform embedded video to support responsive layout.
 * @see
 * /
embeddedVideoTransformer: function () {
  let iframes = document.getElementsByTagName ("iframe");
  for (let i = 0; i <iframes.length; i ++) {
    let iframe = iframes [i];
    if ( (SUPPORTED_PLAYERS.join ("|"))! == -1) {
      let videoRatio = (iframe.height / iframe.width) * 100;
      iframe.width = "100%";

      let wrap = document.createElement ("div");
      wrap.className = "fluid-vids"; = "100%"; = "90px"; = iframe.height; = "relative";

      let iframeParent = iframe.parentNode;
      iframeParent.insertBefore (wrap, iframe);
      wrap.appendChild (iframe);

Math Formula


Some simple mathematical formulas are shown in the article, using KaTeX. For details, please refer to Official Document.

  • copy_tex: copy katex text, enabled by default
  • global: If you want to use KaTex on the global page (such as the article summary on the homepage), then you can enable it. (Of course, this also means that your page needs to load more resources each time.)
  copy_tex: true
  global: false

KaTeX libraries will be loaded only in articles or pages that use katex, so you need to set them in articles or headers using KaTeX. (When you turn on global loading, you will no longer need to set this option.)


title: xxx
katex: true

You can wrap the formula in the following way.

In the following, the formula will be displayed in the center.

$$ E = mc^2 $$
\[ E = mc^2 \]

In the following, the formula will be displayed in line.

$E = mc^2$
\( E = mc^2 \)


Note that when writing directly in a Markdown file, you need an extra \ to translate \.

Use \\[E = mc ^ 2 \\] instead of \[E = mc ^ 2 \].

If you have too many characters that need to be translated, you can directly wrap it with HTML tags (internal characters will not be parsed as Markdown) without using multiple \ to translate. (Or use $E=mc^2$)

For example:

<div>\[E = mc ^ 2 \]</div>

As shown below, the formula will be displayed in the center.

$$ E = mc ^ 2 $$
\[E = mc ^ 2 \]

As shown in the following package, the formula will be displayed in line.

\(E = mc ^ 2 \)

You can visit Yun Test to see the actual effect. You may need some time to wait for the KaTeX library to load, or refresh and try again.


You can also use plugins like hexo-math for preprocessing.

hexo-math supports KaTeX and MathJax and is used as follows. (See official documentation for more)

The difference with the theme's own support for KaTeX is that the theme uses a CDN that only starts parsing when the page is loaded, whereas this plugin pre-generates the content into a static document.

{% katex %}
c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}
{% endkatex %}


Compared with hexo-math, you can use the formula $...$. The default supported renderer is hexo-renderer-pandoc.

i\hbar\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi=-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2\psi+V\psi

Hexo's default installed renderer is generally hexo-renderer-marked, so you may need to be aware of some translation issues. (e.g. * needs to be used for *` etc.)


Use pjax

  enable: true


Mermaid lets you create diagrams and visualizations using text and code.


  enable: false
  options: # find more api options from
    startOnload: true # default true
  global: false #default true

Write markdown as shown below:

title: Yun - Mermaid
mermaid: true

<div class="mermaid">
graph TD;

Example see Yun - Mermaid.

More info see Mermaid.

The following plug-in configuration and usage have nothing to do with the theme, you can refer to its documentation configuration yourself.

Because when you want some features that the theme does not provide, they can actually be implemented directly through plugins.


Extended hexo tag syntax.

For example, Tabs function.(Demo

More common tags may be added later.


Widget, view articles through the tree menu.

If you need a PJAX effect, enable theme PJAX.


You can use it to encrypt some private article pages.